Kamran on Bike is the name of his Facebook page and his Website and the name stands for great entertainment. Since the beginning of 2016 Kamran Ali, software engineer from Nuremberg, Germany travels the Panamericana, the longest road of the world on his STEVENS P18 Lite.
Strictly speaking the route from the southernmost point of South America, Ushuaia, to Prudhoe Bay in Alaska is more of a succession of several roads adding up to 26,000 km (16,150 mls), depending on one’s itinerary, rather than a continuous road.
Which route exactly you travel from South to North is not so important. The route does not lose any of the fascination that captures so many bike packers. In addition to the physical challenge it’s the experience, the images, the encounters, different cultures and climate zones that are so overwhelming.
Kamran Ali meanwhile - as of December 2017 - is in Mexico, about halfway through his journey. You can closely follow his progress riding his P18 Lite with google-Maps. You can even take part in his journey via Facebook - Kamran on Bike. The German national with Pakistani roots shares his travel experience in a series of photos and captions, which he separates into chapters. In chapter 37 for example he describes his most important experiences of the first 13,000 km (8,000 mls) through South America in 101 pictures.
With impressive landscape shots, descriptions of his – at times quite gruelling – every-day life on tour and stories about the people he runs into and about highlights such as the ALMA Observatory in Chile, the Salar de Uyuni - the almost snow-white salt flats or the ”Death Road” in Bolivia or milestones such as the crossing of the Equator or the Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca in Peru.